10-Second Film Festival ~ Part ~ 2
Our intention with this screening of 10 second films is to draw attention to the idea of the 10 second film as a concept of time within film -
24 frames a second equals 240 seconds of film.
The 10 second film is the Haiku in form and discipline of film making.
10 seconds is long enough to hang you but short enough for you to produce banality.
Jex & Michael like this fine edge and the discipline needed to employ time / image / sound / light / in perfect unison, delivering an idea in the stated time.
Back in 2003 we put together the first 10 second film festival and screened 100 films.
This 10 second Film Festival is to re-awaken that interest and for us to re-introduce it back into the river of culture.
Readying ourselves for the 2013 10x10 Ten Second Film Festival to be announced in June 2012.
A nice link is Bruce Conner's
Ten Second Film, Bruce Conner, 1965, 10 sec, b&w, silent
Film Center of Lincoln Society :
“When Conner was commissioned to design the poster for the 1965 New York Film Festival he constructed TEN SECOND FILM, which he intended to act as its television commercial and to precede the film programs in the theater. It was a public ‘leader’ in that it was composed, like the poster, of a series of ten strips of film (each 24 frames long) of count-down leader, seen as fundamental heraldry of motion picture exhibition.” —Anthony Reveaux
The film was rejected.
We reject nothing but celebrate your time and your moment of image making for the 2012 submission for
Ten Seconds
Employing any image recording device you have to hand, make a 10 second film and send it as a download to
There is no theme.
All films will be shown.
All films sent will be screened in sequential order of arrival.
All films must be 10 seconds long.
No extra content
Just 10 seconds or 240 frames of film as content.
The use o this time can be manipulated / shaped / played with / in anyway . . .
All films will be screened in sequential sequence generating a meta-work.
Dead-Line for submissions - May 15th 2012
Date for Screening:
2nd June 2012
Location for screening:
Jam Street Café
Upper Chorlton Road
Whalley Range
M16 0BH
Go to Maps for Directions to all Venues:
Our intention with this screening of 10 second films is to draw attention to the idea of the 10 second film as a concept of time within film -
24 frames a second equals 240 seconds of film.
The 10 second film is the Haiku in form and discipline of film making.
10 seconds is long enough to hang you but short enough for you to produce banality.
Jex & Michael like this fine edge and the discipline needed to employ time / image / sound / light / in perfect unison, delivering an idea in the stated time.
Back in 2003 we put together the first 10 second film festival and screened 100 films.
This 10 second Film Festival is to re-awaken that interest and for us to re-introduce it back into the river of culture.
Readying ourselves for the 2013 10x10 Ten Second Film Festival to be announced in June 2012.
A nice link is Bruce Conner's
Ten Second Film, Bruce Conner, 1965, 10 sec, b&w, silent
Film Center of Lincoln Society :
“When Conner was commissioned to design the poster for the 1965 New York Film Festival he constructed TEN SECOND FILM, which he intended to act as its television commercial and to precede the film programs in the theater. It was a public ‘leader’ in that it was composed, like the poster, of a series of ten strips of film (each 24 frames long) of count-down leader, seen as fundamental heraldry of motion picture exhibition.” —Anthony Reveaux
The film was rejected.
We reject nothing but celebrate your time and your moment of image making for the 2012 submission for
Ten Seconds
Employing any image recording device you have to hand, make a 10 second film and send it as a download to
There is no theme.
All films will be shown.
All films sent will be screened in sequential order of arrival.
All films must be 10 seconds long.
No extra content
Just 10 seconds or 240 frames of film as content.
The use o this time can be manipulated / shaped / played with / in anyway . . .
All films will be screened in sequential sequence generating a meta-work.
Dead-Line for submissions - May 15th 2012
Date for Screening:
2nd June 2012
Location for screening:
Jam Street Café
Upper Chorlton Road
Whalley Range
M16 0BH
Go to Maps for Directions to all Venues: