Music Classical is an afternoon of classical music removed from the traditional framework of the concert hall and into the Nip & Tipple.
Music Classical is curated by composer Nina Whiteman who sings in Trio Atem.
Nina will bring together an eclectic series of compositions to be played live.
This will be an afternoon concert that moves from Classic FM and swings into Jarvis Cocker crashing into The Late Junction.
Nina brings together some of the most skilled and imaginative players Manchester has to offer and this afternoon offers an opportunity to swim in the brilliance of all that is classic - an afternoon that will extend what classic is and could be!
Frances O'Rourke plays piano accordion -
Eastern European Jewish Klezmer music
Sarah Bennett plays flute - Contemporary Classical repertoire to twist your mind -
music by Ferneyhough and Musgrave
The Rossi Quartet play strings -
Two movements from Ravel's colourful contribution to the string quartet repertoire.
Helen Forshaw sings the blues -
A collection of blues and jazz songs, with Paul Cowham (guitar)
....and in between....
....classic vinyl...featuring a plethora of musical styles, from
Django Reinhardt to Billie Holliday to Kathleen Ferrier.
Music Classical is curated by composer Nina Whiteman who sings in Trio Atem.
Nina will bring together an eclectic series of compositions to be played live.
This will be an afternoon concert that moves from Classic FM and swings into Jarvis Cocker crashing into The Late Junction.
Nina brings together some of the most skilled and imaginative players Manchester has to offer and this afternoon offers an opportunity to swim in the brilliance of all that is classic - an afternoon that will extend what classic is and could be!
Frances O'Rourke plays piano accordion -
Eastern European Jewish Klezmer music
Sarah Bennett plays flute - Contemporary Classical repertoire to twist your mind -
music by Ferneyhough and Musgrave
The Rossi Quartet play strings -
Two movements from Ravel's colourful contribution to the string quartet repertoire.
Helen Forshaw sings the blues -
A collection of blues and jazz songs, with Paul Cowham (guitar)
....and in between....
....classic vinyl...featuring a plethora of musical styles, from
Django Reinhardt to Billie Holliday to Kathleen Ferrier.